April 2021

April 2021

After what feels like running around like a headless chicken for months...it all came to a very abrupt halt when my wonderful wheel went bang. Nooooo! 

You can imagine how stressful that was, of my most valued pieces of equipment had kicked the bucket & I just couldn't believe it. 

I had a complete meltdown on the Saturday 3rd April, feeling totally lost. After a long chat with my mum, Sam & fellow potter friends - I set up a crowdfund page - by Monday 5th I had the full amount raised. Absolutely. Blow. Away. 

The power of instagram, if it wasn't for everyones support I wouldn't be sat here writing this. 

I am still in shock. T H A N K  Y O U ! 

So its onwards & upwards! I have some really exciting projects in the pipeline, and I love talking about it all - so if you want to follow me along my journey please jump over to my instagram or keep your eyes peeled here! 


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